ELLEGO’s LinkedIn Live webinar on “Sustainable benefits of low AGL currents” was arranged on May 24th and it was the second part of a two-part Airport Solution webinar series. Below we have summarized questions during the webinar:
How would you describe the potential impact of AGL 3.0 for the CO2 emission goals and reduction?
Many airports have target to carbon neutrality and they are implementing reductions, and there is also a certification system measuring what they have achieved and what’s left. On top of that there are compensation fees to be used to reduce total emissions or mitigate existing ones. The most important part that AGL 3.0 can offer now for the carbon neutrality programs is the fact that these are real emission reductions taking into account production phase emissions and emissions during operation as energy consumption decreases and emissions are greatly affected by the energy source used. AGL 3.0 provides new ways to reduce emissions.
In the ELLEGO series circuit there is AC and no electronics in light fixture, so where does AC/DC conversion happen, as LEDs are driven by DC power always?
That’s correct. It’s AC and of course because of the transformer it must get through the inductive devices, and as the question rightly stated, LED is a DC component. The AC to DC conversion happens inside the ELLED bulb. ELLED bulb is an AC driven hence there is no need for a conversion between the CCR and ELLED, it’s all AC.
What are the cost benefits for the end customers, in this case for the airports, if they want to invest on this technology and update their existing halogen lights to LED?
There are multiple cost factors offering benefits for the airports. Probably the most obvious one is the cost of electricity, which results in in-service savings as energy consumption decreases. Next one is the cost of maintenance, including a reduction in man-hours and spare parts. Last factor is the cost of waste handling, which will be reduced due to the reuse of materials, such as light fixtures, transformers and cables. These are the three most relevant factors for retrofitting, but if it’s a greenfield installation, we still have the energy cost factor, but also the size of the cabling and other components reduces and directly affects the amount of investment.
Question about references. How long AGL 3.0 has been installed in the field and what has been the reference so far?
We understand that AGL is a reliability and safety related sector and therefore all products must be carefully tested before wider use. AGL 3.0 is currently installed in 3 different airports. First ELLEDs were installed 2.5 years ago and has been in operation since then with zero failures. Second pilot was installed 1 year ago, also without any failures and the third one has been in the field for 7 months now. We are currently looking for potential piloting projects, so in case any airport is interested in trying this technology, please contact ELLEGO team, we are happy to support.
Thank you for all Live participants and see you next time!